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About Us

Acupuncture Physician
Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Kim Odishoo’s journey to becoming a wellness practitioner is not unlike many of the stories that have brought patients and their loved ones to Plant Street Acupuncture. 

While working a high-level corporate job that had her traveling all around the United States, the excessive strain from her travels caused a herniated disc. Western medicine’s solution was surgery, prompting Kim to seek the less invasive healing capabilities of acupuncture. 

When Kim’s mom was diagnosed with Leukemia, Kim found herself further disheartened with many aspects of the standard Western medical system.

Minimal interaction with physicians and medical caregivers, only basic blood work, repeat appointments with maybe 5 minutes of the doctor’s time before they had to move on to the next patient. Each practitioner focused on their piece or specialty, no collaboration, no attempt to get to the root of the issues, just a cycle of prescriptions and rushed appointments that resulted mostly in side effects and unanswered questions.  

As she balanced her work and travels with caring for her mom and trying to navigate the broken medical system, Kim used acupuncture to manage stress. When her mom passed and the time came for Kim to return to her corporate job, she was struck by how meaningless it felt. She was considering retirement when the question was posed to her if she had ever thought about changing careers; a spark was lit. 

\Kim resigned from the corporate world, enrolled in school at the Florida College of Integrative Medicine, and went all in. Although she had always had an interest in holistic wellness, it was her experiences with her mom that led her to focus fully on the world of natural medicine. Between this and her positive experiences with acupuncture, Kim built her practice based on what she wanted to experience as a patient and patient caregiver. 

In 2012, Kim earned her Master of Science in Oriental Medicine and passed her required board exams.  She also purchased the buildings in Winter Garden that would become Plant Street Acupuncture. 

An educator at heart, Kim has a deep desire to dig deeper, to help patients get to the bottom of things. She wants the experience to be empowering, to answer questions, and most of all, to truly address the root issues. To this end, Kim created a unique wellness practice that blends the wisdom, tools, and modalities of both Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Kim incorporates Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities like acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, homeopathic injections, and herbs, with functional medicine techniques including comprehensive/specialty lab work, IV therapy, and kinesio taping.

Kim is also a practitioner of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN). This combines comprehensive lab testing with the D.R.E.S.S. protocol: Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress, and Supplementation. The focus of FDN is to identify the critical malfunctions in the body that need correction in order to restore health, and to rebalance those malfunctions. If you feel like you’ve tried everything and are still struggling to meet you health goals, FDN can be a valuable tool to getting to the root cause(s) plus supporting the body’s innate healing capabilities with D.R.E.S.S.

Every new patient is provided up to 90 minutes for their exam, treatment, and an in-depth history. Labs may be ordered; while labs are typically interpreted by lab ranges, at Plant Street Acupuncture we look at functional ranges which in many cases allows us to identify and treat from a prevention standpoint. Additionally, our approach is based on the idea that the symptoms and labs should reflect that things are getting better at the cellular level. After all, shouldn’t you as the patient see results that your treatments and nutraceuticals are working? This is an integral part that is missing in most medical approaches, but one that is highly valued at Plant Street Acupuncture. 

“My desire is to partner with you to inspire and empower you in your journey toward optimal health. To help you live an extraordinary life by nourishing and healing yourself from the inside out. My true passion lies with the body’s natural ability to heal itself with the help of that provided by Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Herbs, and Tui Na (Chinese Massage) to name a few. I believe that although there is a place for conventional medicine, more often than not, disease is caused by a disruption of the body’s natural processes, and I prefer the use of gentle and natural methods to correct imbalance before seeking drugs or surgery.”

Kim was born and raised in Clearwater, Florida, and after living all around the country during much of her time in the corporate world, returned to Central Florida in 2000. She opened her acupuncture practice in the heart of Winter Garden, Florida. 

When she’s not caring for patients, Kim enjoys family life with her husband, daughter, and their Golden Retriever. Kim is also an avid cyclist and can be found riding the West Orange Trail most mornings.  

Acupuncture Physician

 Steve Moreau’s interest in natural wellness started with an avid interest in herbal healing in his early college years. As he sought answers to his own health issues, this interest expanded to acupuncture and nutrition. This marked the beginning of a health odyssey of sorts, which included several clinical tours in Sri Lanka in 1996 and 1997.

Steve’s overseas experience exposed him to an integrated approach to health care, shaping his core belief that true healing comes by assisting the body’s natural healing potential. This is best accomplished with a blend of Eastern healing with the understanding of modern Western science. To this end, Steve employs a wide variety of healing techniques from herbs and acupuncture to massage and nutritional supplements in his quest to heal the whole person.

Steve graduated with a Masters in Oriental Medicine from The Florida College of Integrative Medicine in 2006. In addition to being a Licensed Acupuncture Physician, Steve has also completed extensive training in nutritional consulting, metabolic disorders, neurotransmitter testing, and related modalities.

Steve also completed a 4 year farm apprenticeship where he observed the deep foundation of health that comes from properly grown produce and grass-fed animals. As a result of this experience, Steve started to provide local, pasture-raised and organic farm foods to the Orlando area. Organic farming remains his main hobby to this day!

In addition to being an acupuncture physician, Steve also spent 10 years on the faculty of the Florida College of Integrative Medicine where he taught a variety of courses including Acupuncture Point Location, and Integration of Herbal Medicine and Western Herbs. 

Office Manager

Similar to Kim, Ann McGarry first entered the holistic wellness world as a patient. In fact, both Ann and her husband have had many positive experiences as patients, including immense improvements with migraines, neck pain, relaxation, and other issues. 

Ann worked for Disney for 14 years, then World Travel Partners for 4 before taking time to focus on her two sons. She then journeyed with her kids from stay-at-home-mom to working at their preschool and becoming an assistant PreK teacher.

Ann originally met Kim through her neighbor and Kim’s dad. Soon thereafter, Ann’s husband sought treatment at Plant Street Acupuncture. This ultimately led to Ann becoming the Office Manager here at Plant Street Acupuncture, which she viewed as “an amazing opportunity to come and try something new.”

Born in New Jersey, raised in Wyoming, Ann has called Florida home since 1986. Fun fact: Like Kim, Ann also has a Golden Retriever, making it the unofficial dog of Plant Street Acupuncture! 

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