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5 Ways to Stay Fit This Winter

5 Ways to Stay Fit This Winter

As the weather worsens and the colder months are upon us, it’s important to make sure we don’t continue the overindulgence of the holidays. While there is nothing better than comfort food when it’s cold outside, we can’t let that lead to gaining winter weight and letting our health slide. With just a little planning and some accountability, you can maintain your fitness (and maybe even improve it!) this winter. Just follow these five tips to get you going in the right direction.

Challenge Yourself

There are fitness apps galore with any number of winter fitness challenges (some free) you can sign up for, no matter what your fitness level. These challenges give you a sense of accountability and accomplishment as you stick with it for 30 days to reach a predetermined goal. Whatever your interest (walking, swimming, squats, lunges, etc.) you can find something of interest to keep motivated. And better yet, grab a friend or two to join in. Making it a social occasion means you are more likely to stick with it and the extra accountability helps, too! 

Get Outside

Even with the colder temps, it’s important to get some outside exercise time, even if it’s just a simple walk in the neighborhood. If you developed a habit of taking an evening walk in the summer, you might need to adjust that as the days are shorter and it might be too cold at night. Outside exercise helps you get fresh air and exposure to natural light which helps to regulate your circadian rhythm. 

Track Your Steps

If the kids were out of school and your family took some time off your normal routine, it can sometimes be difficult to get back on track. An easy way to get yourself going again is to track your activity levels. Most cell phones and smart watches and fitness bands can help track everything from your steps to flights of stairs, to miles walked/biked/swam, to your sleeping habits. Tracking your activity level can help you be more conscious of how much physical movement you are doing during the day and keep you on track to make sure you are hitting your fitness goals.

Use What You Have

Warm blankets and your couch might have a greater pull in the cold winter months. However, don’t succumb to the temptation! And you can use what you have in your home to help you stay active. When watching your favorite television show, use the commercial breaks to squeeze in some cardio or stretches. Grab a band or hand weights and do some arm exercises while you wait for the show to resume. You can also try some yoga right from your couch! Or use a kitchen chair to get some light exercise in after dinner. Again, there are fitness apps to help with ideas and proper positioning. 

Enjoy Winter’s Bounty & Stay Hydrated

Another easy addition to your winter routine is to change up your diet to include the winter harvest of vegetables and fruit. Peruse your farmer’s market and take advantage of the apples, pears, sweet potatoes, and varieties of squash that are plentiful this time of year. Staying hydrated also needs to be a priority. Winter air can be dry and if it’s cold, water might not be your first choice. Don’t be afraid to mix it up with herbal teas, coconut water, hot chocolate or kombucha. Try to limit your caffeine intake as that can dehydrate you, but if you need a pick-me-up, try green tea or white tea instead. 

Don’t let the winter months take you down the wrong path! Keep those good habits going to get back on track in the new year and enjoy a healthy and active winter season!

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