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Types of Functional Labs

Comprehensive Bio-Screen (Blood)

This is our most comprehensive panel, encompassing numerous markers to help evaluate your health status.  The following is a list of the key areas covered in this panel:

  • Blood sugar analysis
  • Cardiovascular analysis
  • Infection analysis
  • Electrolyte analysis
  • Anemia analysis
  • Thyroid analysis
  • Lipid analysis
  • Liver & Biliary analysis
  • Hormone analysis
  • Urinalysis

The thyroid section in this panel is carefully selected to reveal certain essential mechanisms that may be important for proper thyroid hormone synthesis and function.  This unique panel gives an unprecedented perspective to the various biosystems with expanded markers pertaining to thyroid physiology.

Stress & Hormone Profile (Saliva)

This comprehensive test looks for hidden hormone imbalances, and addresses dysfunction in sleep, energy, mood, libido, and weight.  This test measures:

  • Progesterone
  • Estradiol
  • Progesterone: Estradiol Ratio
  • Testosterone
  • DHEA-S
  • Diurnal Cortisol (AM, noon, afternoon, bedtime)
  • Total Cortisol: DHEA-S Ratio
  • Melatonin (Daytime)
  • Secretory IgA (SigA), a key indicator of immune and stress imbalance or dysfunction


This is an at-home stool test that utilizes cutting edge, Quantitative PCR technology to provide a true DNA/PCR based stool test.  This test measures the following GI Pathogens:

  • H. pylori & Virulence Factors
  • Commensal/Keystone Bacteria
  • Opportunistic/Overgrowth Microbes
  • Fungi/Yeast
  • Viruses
  • Parasites
  • H. Pylori

This test also measures immunologic markers for GI health and function including SigA, Elastase, Calprotectin, Eosinophil Activation Protein, and Anti-gliadin testing.

Intestinal iQ Permeability + Inflammation (Dried Blood Spot)

This test looks for gut wall integrity and the presence of leaky gut.  It also measures for inflammation in the gut and an overactive allergy response.  This test measures:

  • Zonulin
  • Histamine
  • Diamine Oxidase (DAO)
  • Histamine: DAO Ratio

Metabolic Wellness Profile (Dried Urine)

This test looks for key metabolic markers of Digestion, Detoxification and Oxidative Stress.  This test measures:

  • Indican
  • Total Bile Acids
  • 8-OHdG

Mediator Release Test (Blood)

MRT is the most technologically advanced “endpoint” blood test and the most comprehensive measure of immune cell reactivity.  MRT quantifies reactions to both foods and food chemicals, accounts for the most pathways of any food sensitivity related blood test, measures reactions in more immune system cell groups than any other food sensitivity blood test and provides the best way to uncover hidden food and chemical reactions.

Metabolic Typing Assessment

Discover the right foods to build health, prevent disease and improve the way you feel – physically and emotionally.  Find out your own Metabolic Type Diet and receive a customized diet and an amazing 4-part video series.

Organic Acids Test (OAT) (Urine)

The Organic Acids Test (OAT) is a simple and efficient way to assess a number of metabolic pathways providing insight into imbalances and nutrient needs.  The OAT test report is organized into clinically useful categories including:

  • Intestinal Microbial Overgrowth markers evaluate for candida activity, clostridia bacteria toxins, potential mold exposure, and imbalance in the gut microflora.
  • Oxalate Metabolites provide insight into oxalate levels being generated by organisms within the system or via dietary contributions.
  • Glycolytic Cycle Metabolites and Mitochondrial Markers (Krebs Cycle and Amino Acid Metabolites) evaluate for metabolic efficiency (e.g., use of glucose and amino acids for energy generation) and mitochondrial dysfunction.
  • Neurotransmitter Metabolites evaluate for phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan metabolism which are linked to neurotransmitter status and quinolinic acid production.
  • Pyrimidine Metabolites & Ketone and Fatty Acid Oxidation markers give insight into folate status and cellular turnover, as well as mitochondrial utilization of fatty acids for energy production.
  • Nutritional Markers provide insight into the sufficiency of essential vitamins, antioxidants, and metabolic pathway co-factors.
  • Indicators of Detoxification assess for the presence of oxidative stress via markers of glutathione sufficiency and methylation versus transsulfuration function.
  • Amino Acid Metabolites may suggest functional nutrient need or be reflective of genetic metabolic dysfunction if a consistently, persistently elevated level of a particular analyte is noted.
  • The Mineral Metabolism marker provides insight into dietary intake of phosphate and can give insights into Vitamin D levels.

MycoTOX Profile (Urine)

Exposure to molds can negatively impact health either directly through inhalation or dermal contact with mold or mold spores – or indirectly due to the concomitant presence of their secondary metabolites, mycotoxins.  Symptoms and disease states associated with mycotoxin exposure include the following:

Alzheimer’s – Anxiety/Depression – Asthma – Autism Spectrum – Bronchitis – Cancer (e.g., Hepatic, Esophageal) – Chronic Fatigue – Cognitive Impairments – Headaches – Infertility – Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Intestinal Permeability – Multiple Sclerosis – Other Mood Impairments – Parkinson’s Disease

The MycoTOX Profile urine-based assay assesses levels of 11 different mycotoxins.  Below is a list of all analytes included in the test:

  • Aflatoxins: AFM1
  • Ochratoxins: Ochratoxin A
  • Trichothecenes: Roridin E (ROE), Verrucarin A (VRA)
  • Zearalenone
  • Chaetoglobosin (CHA)
  • Enniatin B (ENB)
  • Gliotoxin (GTX)
  • Mycophenolic Acid (MPA)
  • Sterigmatocystin (STC)
  • Citrinin (CTN)

Metals (Toxic + Nutrient -Hair)

Heavy metals can be toxic to organ systems when they accumulate in the body and may disrupt the balance of essential nutrients. 

Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen – Cyrex Array 11 (Blood)

Toxic heavy metals and chemicals are all around us, in our environment and in our foods.  Array 11 identifies the body burden of chemicals bound to human tissues, which may lead to autoimmune reactivity.

Antigens Tested (IgG + IgA Combined, IgM tested separately for each antigen)

  • Aflatoxins
  • Formaldehyde + Glutaraldehyde
  • Isocyanate
  • Trimellitic + Phtalic Anyhdrides
  • Benzene Ring Compounds
  • BPA Binding Protein
  • Bisphenol A
  • Tetrabromobisphenol A
  • Tetrachloroethylene
  • Parabens
  • Mercury Compounds
  • Mixed Heavy Metals (Nickel, Cobalt, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic)

By combining these advanced diagnostic tools with a patient-centered approach, functional medicine empowers individuals to take control of their health and achieve optimal wellness. This groundbreaking field offers hope for those seeking answers beyond traditional medical paradigms, paving the way for a future of truly personalized healthcare.

Are you ready to quit the endless trial and error cycle and finally get to the bottom of what’s going on? The path to optimal health starts here! Contact us to get started!

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